

通过对社区安全的承诺和参与,男人在结束家庭虐待方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 Emerge的男性教育计划旨在让男性参与有意义的对话,以讨论权力和特权如何超越我们社区的虐待和暴力问题。 我们坚信,通过这些对话,我们可以要求男人对自己和他人的选择和行为负责,从而为社区中的幸存者建立安全。 



The Men's Education Program prepares men to accept responsibility for their choices to use abusive and controlling behaviors with their partners and loved ones, stop the abuse and lead conversations on issues of domestic abuse with other men in the community.男性教育计划使男性准备接受选择与伴侣和亲人一起使用辱骂和控制行为,停止虐待并与社区中其他男性就家庭虐待问题进行对话的选择承担责任。 Men participating in the program come to class in different ways, some have been arrested and some are self-referred;参加该计划的人以不同的方式上课,有些人被捕,有些人自荐; it is a goal of the class to reinforce that the issue of domestic abuse is applicable for all men.班级的目标是强调家庭虐待问题适用于所有男性。


Emerge利用由组织“制止暴力”组织制定和实施的“工作中的男性”课程。 The curriculum is a structured program with a minimum of 26 classes;该课程是结构化课程,至少520个班级; however, can be extended based on individual needs.但是,可以根据个人需要进行扩展。 For more information, read below and call (444) 3078-XNUMX or email有关更多信息,请阅读以下内容,然后致电(XNUMX)XNUMX-XNUMX或发送电子邮件 mensinfo@emergecenter.org



A lot of men join this program because they want to learn about issues of male privilege and learn how to advocate for the safety of women.许多男人加入该计划是因为他们想了解男性特权问题,并学习如何倡导女性安全。 Some men are in this program because their partner gave them an ultimatum: that they needed to get help or else the relationship would end.有些人之所以参加这个计划,是因为他们的伴侣给了他们最后通::他们需要获得帮助,否则恋爱关系将会结束。 Some men join because they wanted to learn how to take leadership in their community around the issue of male violence.有些男人之所以加入,是因为他们想学习如何在男性暴力问题上在社区中发挥领导作用。 Some men join because they are involved in the criminal justice system, and a judge or probation officer is requiring them to go through an education program as a consequence of their abusive choices.有些人之所以加入,是因为他们参与了刑事司法系统,而法官或缓刑官因其选择不当而要求他们接受一项教育计划。 Other men are in this program because they simply know that they have made abusive or disrespectful choices in their relationship and they know they need help.其他人参加此计划是因为他们只知道自己在恋爱关系中做出过侮辱性或无礼的选择,并且知道需要帮助。


会议在星期一和星期三晚上举行。 对于参加退伍军人事务医疗保健系统的退伍军人,退伍军人管理局医院也在周二下午和周四晚上提供该计划。 这些小组都是面对面进行的。

信息发布会于每月第二个周五上午 10 点至中午 12 点举行。 参加信息会议是报名参加我们每周课程的第一步。

要报名参加我们每月一次的信息会议,请致电 520-444-3078。

对于一般问题或询问,请发送电子邮件 mensinfo@emergecenter.org.