Rapport tal-Impatt 2023

Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse supports people impacted by violence in the process of
repairing trauma and creating a culture of safety at the family, community, and systemic levels.

Your support provided individuals experiencing abuse the opportunity to look forward to a better future.
nies moqdija
Sejħiet li saru lil hotline ta' 24 siegħa
Iljieli tas-sodda ta’ kenn ta’ emerġenza pprovduti lill-familji

Fl-2023, Emerge Centre Against Domestic Abuse ipprovda servizzi kritiċi bħal intervent ta’ kriżi, ippjanar ta’ sikurezza u kenn ta’ emerġenza biex jappoġġja lill-familji hekk kif reġgħu bnew ħajjithom. 

Rapporti ta' l-Impatt tas-Snin li għaddew