Lipoti la Impact 2023

Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse supports people impacted by violence in the process of
repairing trauma and creating a culture of safety at the family, community, and systemic levels.

Your support provided individuals experiencing abuse the opportunity to look forward to a better future.
Anthu adatumikira
Kuyimbira foni kwa maola 24
Masiku ogona mwadzidzidzi ogona amaperekedwa kwa mabanja

Mu 2023, Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse idapereka chithandizo chofunikira monga kulowererapo pamavuto, kukonza chitetezo ndi malo ogona mwadzidzidzi kuti athe kuthandiza mabanja pamene akumanganso miyoyo yawo. 

Malipoti a Zotsatira Zakale