


It's estimated that one in four women and one in seven men will suffer from domestic abuse in their lifetime: this could be your parent, sibling, neighbor, co-worker or friend.据估计,一生中有四分之一的女性和七分之一的男性会遭受家庭虐待:这可能是您的父母,兄弟姐妹,邻居,同事或朋友。 Whether someone has reached out to you for help or you've recognized warning signs and suspect abuse, your response can have a major impact on their life.无论是有人向您寻求帮助,还是您已经意识到警告标志和可疑虐待,您的回应都会对其生活产生重大影响。

Below are the two questions we hear most frequently at Emerge from individuals who are concerned about a loved one.以下是我们在Emerge中最常听到的两个有关亲人的问题。 Click on the question for our answers.单击该问题以获取我们的答案。