Impact Chirevo 2023

Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse supports people impacted by violence in the process of
repairing trauma and creating a culture of safety at the family, community, and systemic levels.

Your support provided individuals experiencing abuse the opportunity to look forward to a better future.
Vanhu vakashumirwa
Kufona kunoitwa kune 24-awa hotline
Emergency pokugara pamubhedha husiku hunopihwa mhuri

Muna 2023, Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse yakapa masevhisi akakosha sekupindira kwedambudziko, kuronga kuchengetedza uye pekugara nechimbichimbi kutsigira mhuri pavanenge vachivakazve hupenyu hwavo. 

Makore apfuura 'Impact Mishumo