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Presentations & Workshops

Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse offers educational presentations and workshops about domestic abuse to community members and organizations. The purpose of this Emerge service is to increase awareness about domestic abuse by defining abuse, dispelling its myths, and by providing information to help those in abusive relationship.

Below, you will find descriptions of these educational opportunities, as well as contact information for a staff member who can assist you with additional information and answer any questions you might have.


Introduction to Domestic Abuse & Emerge Services

This is a 30 minute to 2 hour presentation held at your location that provides a thorough overview of Domestic Abuse including the dynamics of domestic abuse, power and control, effects of abuse on children, how to help, safety planning and Emerge services. This presentation is by request only and available to the community.

Please submit your request at least one month in advance, as we have limited capacity to provide presentations and cannot accommodate every request. You will receive a response within two weeks.

To RSVP, request a schedule or for more information, email or contact us by phone at 520.795.8001


Safety is Beautiful Presentation

Safety is Beautiful is a presentation that promotes domestic abuse awareness for salon professionals, who we have found through our research, are likely to interact with victims of abuse. We tailor the length of the presentation to the availability of the salon while still providing all the necessary information to know how to recognize, respond and refer. While we are aware that the need for domestic abuse awareness for the community is great, we struggle with capacity to reach out to all of the Southern Arizona salons therefore we look to identify individuals from the salon community that would be interested in representing and doing peer presentations for their peers in other salons in the community. The peer educator would receive in depth training by our staff. This program is in partnership with Tucson’s salon professionals and Pima County Attorney’s Office.

Please submit your request at least one month in advance, as we have limited capacity to provide presentations and cannot accommodate every request. You will receive a response within two weeks.

To RSVP, request a schedule or for more information, email or contact us by phone at 520.795.8001


Domestic Abuse Workshop

Like the Introduction to Domestic Abuse and Emerge Services presentation, this three-hour workshop provides a thorough overview of Domestic Abuse including the dynamics of domestic abuse, power and control, effects of abuse on children, how to help, safety planning and Emerge services.

The workshop is held at the Emerge offices on a quarterly basis and is open to the community. Call 520-795-8001 or email to register. Location and workshop details will be provided once registration is confirmed.

An Emerge table at an event

Emerge Tabling

Emerge can provide staff or volunteer presence at community booths, fairs, agencies and/or events. The educational materials provided at these events cover many aspects of domestic abuse including: power and control, warning signs, effects of abuse on children, the cycle of abuse, the myths and realities of domestic violence, and Emerge services.

Please submit your request at least one month in advanced, as we have limited capacity to provide presentations and cannot accommodate every request. You will receive a response within two weeks.

To RSVP, request a schedule or for more information, contact Lori Aldecoa ( and/or Josué Romero ( or by phone at 520.795.8001.

Educational Presentation Request Form

Please note that your information is saved on our server as you enter it.
Please note that your information is saved on our server as you enter it.
  • Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse respects the privacy of its stakeholders, including all visitors to this website. Therefore, the organization will not rent, share or sell personal information entered in this online form. Read our full Privacy Policy here:
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • :
    *Due to the nature and depth of the presentation content, we require a minimum of half an hour for presentations.
  • (What you would like to learn / what you will use this information for)
    (we will bring whatever is not available)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Educational Presentation Request Form

Please note that your information is saved on our server as you enter it.
Please note that your information is saved on our server as you enter it.
  • Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse respects the privacy of its stakeholders, including all visitors to this website. Therefore, the organization will not rent, share or sell personal information entered in this online form. Read our full Privacy Policy here:
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • :
  • :
    *Due to the nature and depth of the presentation content, we require a minimum of half an hour for presentations.
  • (What you would like to learn / what you will use this information for)
    (we will bring whatever is not available)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Request for Tabling

Please note that your information is saved on our server as you enter it.
  • Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse respects the privacy of its stakeholders, including all visitors to this website. Therefore, the organization will not rent, share or sell personal information entered in this online form. Read our full Privacy Policy here:
  • (if applicable)
  • Event Date(s)Set Up TimeStart TimeEnd TimeTear Down Time
  • (Please be specific; E.g. Children, Clergy, Police Officers , etc.)
  • (please indicate quantity)
    Table(s)Chair(s)CanopyProjectorSpeakersLaptop / PC
  • (What you would like to learn / what you will use this information for)
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.